Ash wood

Manufactured by Asker Produkt (NO)

Designed by Sverre Uhnger

Krets is a set of coasters cut from the same piece of glued wood. The shape evolves from a circle to an ellipse and is driven by the need for more strength where the grain of the wood crosses the shape. When the coasters are not in use they serve as a decorative element.

The goal with this collaboration with Asker Produkt (NO) was to utilise the material, machines and resources in a rational way and thereby create a meaningful and safe workplace. Krets translates to circuit or community and is manufactured by Asker Produkt which is a company that employ local disabled and handicapped workers. They produce a variety of wooden products in addition to having a bakery and deliver different food and catering to the local community.

Krets was launched as part of the exhibition Norway Designs NÅ in 2016 and is now available in selected shops in Norway. For inquires or orders please get in contact directly at post(at)

xPhoto by Linn Ellevseth/Norway Designs